The Snowmobile

Yugo's snowmobile has been described by various commentators as "A miracle of physics and engineering" (Popular Mechanics), "The eighth and fastest wonder of the world" (Snowmobile Quarterly), and "really, really cool!" (Little Bobby Johnson, age 8). It is indeed a wonderful machine.

Built originally by Yugo to provide reliable transportation around Santa's vast toymaking complex at the North Pole, Yugo has continued to tinker with it and add new and exciting modifications. The snowmobile is capable of travelling through snow at over 400 miles per hour. During a time trial in the salt flats in Utah, it topped at 802 miles per hour.

The snowmobile is not, however, limited to travelling on land or snow. With the flip of a yellow switch or the touch of an orange button, the snowmobile can quickly convert to a boat or a winged flying machine. Though speedy on land, the snowmobile is even faster on water and its top flight speed exceeds mach 3. The snowmobile is truly capable of travelling to any place, or time, on Earth or above it.

The snowmobile is equipped with heated leather seats, octophonic digital surround sound, onboard computer guidance and life support system and waffle maker. The snowmobile recently received its seventh consecutive first prize for best snowmobile (modified) at the World Sea and Snowmobile Championships.